I figured I should start out by introducing myself. I am Laura Diers; and to some, Laura Johnson. I will answer to either name. To keep the confusion down I will explain why either name works. My maiden (& legal) name is Diers, but I married my husband, Louis Johnson on April 14, 2006, so most of his family refer to me as Laura Johnson. We have 4 children together. His daughter, Nala, who will be 13 years old on July 20th; My daughter, Caisha, who is 12 years old; My son, Zach, who is 10 years old; And our son, Wyatt, who is 14 months old. It makes for a pretty full house during the summer when Nala comes to stay with us! It's a good thing we have a large house!
Anyway, the reason I have started this blog is that on June 7, 2008 I was honored to be crowned Mrs. Iowa America 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Now you are probably asking yourself why was the Mrs. Iowa Pageant held in Minnesota and not Iowa? It is simple, really. Four years ago, the Mrs. Iowa America Pageant lost their director, as did Wisconsin. The Minnesota directors, Faith and Carl Schway were kind enough to add both Iowa and Wisconsin to their family, as they already had Minnesota and Georgia. I am so glad they did!! In fact, I had known Faith and Carl since 1999 when I competed in the Mrs. Minnesota America Pageant. (I was a resident of MN at that time) I was impressed with how they ran the pageant and I have been hooked ever since! So when I found out they were doing the Mrs. Iowa America Pageant, I was thrilled to compete! And so here I am, 9 years later, finally one of their Queens! Through-out this year I will be trying to keep you up-to-date on all my appearances and travels (and possibly life lessons)! I hope to also begin organizing a group that would go into our area Jr. High Schools to educate the young women (& men) about the early warning signs of an abusive relationship, in the hopes that it will prevent domestic abuse cases in the future. In reading about my adventures, I hope that it will inspire you to go after a dream or goal you have and to achieve it! If I have learned one thing from pageants, it is that perseverance pays off!! As well as a lot of hard work as you will learn in later blogs.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!
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