Monday, July 14, 2008

Boone County Fair Queen Judging

Sunday I had the honor (& tough job!) of judging the Boone County Fair Queen Pageant. I had so much fun! The other 2 judges were a blast to "work" with! I use that word loosely, because we were having too much fun for it to be work! I loved the format the organizers used for the interview process. We first met with each girl individually for about 10 minutes to get to know them a bit and get a first impression. We then had a group discussion in groups of three. It was interesting to see some girls really shine in the group discussion compared to their individual interviews. I really enjoyed the time I had getting to know these ladies and until we added up the final scores, we (the judges) had no idea who was going to win! We were pleasantly surprised at the way it lined up in the end. I can not reveal the winner just yet, though! The coronation will be held on Thursday, July 17th at 6:30p to kick off the Boone County Fair. The winner will then proceed onto the Iowa State Fair to compete for the State Fair Queen! I hope to be in attendance for that! It should be a great time!
I have to say that the young ladies competing for Boone County are a great group of girls! All of them are so busy in their communities, schools & churches that I wondered how they fit it all in! I did have the privilege of being the first Fair Queen for my home county fair in Howard Lake, MN. I can't even remember what year it was, but I think it was around 1992 or 1993. I was the first Wright County "Fairest of the Fair" Queen! I had such a blast that year and I know the new Boone County Fair Queen will enjoy and cherish every minute of her reign! I will post pictures of the winner and her court in an additional blog at the end of the week, so make sure you check back!!

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