It's August 6th and it

is the kick-off for the Iowa State Fair and I get to be a part of it!! It is a beautiful evening and I have a great car and a great driver to keep me entertained! One of the morning show DJ's for KGGO provided the car (it is his own), and was able to have "Fast Signs" make a magnetic sign for the car! 95 KGGO has been one of my biggest fans and they have sort of adopted me as one of their own! "Round Guy", the morning show DJ, has been great! He has gone above and beyond what anybody else has ever done for me! We all affectionatly refer to him as "RG" and he, in turn, refers to me as "LD". I have been lucky to be a guest on their show numerous times, before I was Mrs. Iowa and after I won my title. "RG", along with Lou and Heather, have been a big part of my preperations for Nationals. Thanks guys!!!

Now, back to the parade. ;) Like I was saying, it is a beautiful evening with a huge turn out of spectators! Since this is my first experience with this particular parade I am not sure what to expect or how long the route is, or anything. The parade starts at the State Capitol grounds and proceeds through downtown. Spectators are lined up on both sides of the road, including the parking ramps and resturants along the way. I've been in many parades over the years, but never one quite as big as this and it is FANTASTIC! I didn't know anybody in the "audience" but they gave me a very warm fact, I even received a marriage proposal!! I had to point out that I was already married, but that didn't seem to deter the guy! :) It was a lot of fun, but a very long route! I am glad that I workout and lift weights on a regular basis, because I can't imagine how sore my arms would have been otherwise!! As it was, my arms were a little tired by the end! To top off this great evening, I also was able to watch the whole parade on TV after I got back home!
Just a side note: That's the Iowa State Capitol in the background.