The Thresherman show was a last minute appearance opportunity. My children were staying with their grandparents and we decided that Albert City would be a great place to meet so I could pick the kids up. It also gave me the occasion to squeeze in another appearance. I brought my crown and banner with me and wore them as I walked around the grounds. My daughter, Caisha, and I stopped at one of the buildings that was on display and the lady that was the "hostess" said I HAD to be in the parade! I said, "I would love to! When is it?" She looks at her watch and says, "In 5 minutes!" She quickly flagged down a gentleman wit
h a golf cart and he whisked me off to the starting point of the parade. As we waited, someone else went through all the entries in the parade looking for someone who had a convertible. A lady had a beautiful, old convertible from the 30's and she allowed me to ride with her through the parade! It was great fun and a chance to "greet" the people of Albert City. I did take a picture of one of the most interesting entrants in the parade. I have posted that picture for your amusement! Thank you to the Thresherman's show in Albert City for being such a wonderful & gracious host!! We all enjoyed ourselves immensely!

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