August 16th I packed the kids up and took them to the Iowa State Fair! I had a scheduled autograph session sponsored by, none other than the radio station, KGGO! My older 2 kids were a tremendous help in entertaining Wyatt (16 months) while I greeted listeners, talked on the radio and signed autographs. It was a lot of fun and Zach (my 10 year ol

d) even got a chance to be on the radio!! He thought that was the most awesome part of the fair! For me, it was when a gentleman came up and said, "I've been watching you a little bit and it is nice to see that you are as sweet & beautiful in person as you sound on the radio." To me, that is one of the best compliments anyone could have paid me! After my "duties", we walked around the fair grounds...me in my sash & crown, which my daughter loved! We stopped by the Marines booth and visited with the soldiers a bit and then I "competed" in their contest of strength.

So here I am dressed up, wearing my sash, (I took off the crown for safety) hanging from a bar about 5 feet above the ground! The contest was to see if you could hang in a chin-up position for 1 minute 10 seconds (women only). The men had to complete 20 full pull-ups. I had to

prove to myself that I could do it and dispell any notion that "beauty queens" only look good, for the gathering crowd! I am happy to say that I accomplished the task at hand! The picture that my daughter took, unfortunately, does not show how far above the ground I was, so you will have to take my word that I was NOT standing on anything! :)
After the "test" of strength, we headed to the cattle barns. I am a farmers daughter, after all! We stopped to pet one of the calves and I ended up attracting so much attention that there was a traffic jam in the aisle! I had many photo opportunities and signed a few more autographs for people. I even had one taken with the calf!
We ended up staying at the fair until 9:30pm! We had arrived around 10:30am, so

it was a pretty long day for everybody! As is our tradition, we bought a bucket of warm chocolate chip cookies, a couple glasses of milk, found a comfortable place to sit, and enjoyed the feast! It was a fantastic day and one that I always cherish with my kids. They have never missed a year at the fair since they were born. It's a great family tradition I hope they will continue with their families!!

Good Luck at Nationals this week Laura! I hope you have a wonderful time and do great! BTW, I like what you've done with your hair, you look lovely. Take care!
First I want to wish you MUCH luck this week as you compete at nationals. I know you are going to do AWESOME!!!!!
Second when you get back and have a few I'd love to talk. My platfrom is Domestic Violence Awarness (I am a survivor as well)and if possible I'd love to work together. Please email me: mrsnd@mail2world.com when you have a few upon your return.
Good Luck again! I'm cheering for you!
Huge Hugs,
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